by TheEleaseProject | May 10, 2019 | PAL
MissionPAL is the beginning and the heart of The Elease Project. When a man or woman steps up to the plate in life and helps a complete stranger, this is when transformation happens both for the helper and for the one in need of help. MissionPAL can give many the...
by TheEleaseProject | May 10, 2019 | PAL
Families who take care of children with chronic conditions face immense challenges. We are building a Community of Families, Health Care Practitioners, Educators and Organizations to support Children’s Wellness. We work together with the Hospitals, Practitioners,...
by TheEleaseProject | May 10, 2019 | PAL
ImmigrationPAL works had to bring families together by being the agent of change by working with a network of Law Firms that are approved. We will also bring news of lawbreaking immigration stories to the public eye. Click Here for Full Details...
by TheEleaseProject | May 10, 2019 | PAL
ForeclosurePAL is designed to save families and individuals homes from being foreclosed on. When a family goes into foreclosure, there are actually two foreclosures. The family is put on the street and the home goes into shambles. Both the family and the home are...
by TheEleaseProject | May 10, 2019 | PAL
DentalPAL will cover what the dental HMO plan does not in the area of out of policy expense, Plus DentalPAL recognizes that many people need charity work entirely as they don’t have any money. Click Here for Full Details...