by TheEleaseProject | May 10, 2019 | PAL
The AthletePal programsupports youth football, basketball, and baseball leagues, and gets youth better equipment, teaching tools, videos, and covers their fees to play with financial assistance. Many children cannot afford the above items and are in need of teaching...
by TheEleaseProject | May 10, 2019 | PAL
The AdoptionPal program assists animals that are in danger, poor health or live in a bad environmnent and get them the care and love they need with a vetted adoptive family. Click Here for Full Details...
by TheEleaseProject | Apr 26, 2019 | Thank You
This charity is a unique program that allows for you to donate once into one place. The check is made out to The Elease Project. We then split the dollars ten ways to fund ten charities internally. Now, by making one donation you are funding ten charities. You also...
by TheEleaseProject | Apr 26, 2019 | Thank You
Special thanks to Jim & Elease Hatchett for adopting me and giving me a chance to make it in life. Also I want to thank Mom for all the ballgames she took me to and practices also. For the washing of my clothes to the helping me with my homework and all the...
by TheEleaseProject | Apr 26, 2019 | Thank You
Peter Newton helped me so much with my new company LeasePAL and this charity named The Elease Project. He taught me to be nice, humble, and to work smart as I seek to make the world a better place for others, myself, and my wife Leslie whom I miss so much. He taught...